Journalists worry about hackers and hotel conidtions in Sochi
Sochi, Russia has not provided much of a warm welcome for journalists arriving for the Olympics. They must face hackers and poor hotel conditions.
The Huffington Post reports that Richard Engel, of NBC News, had his cell phone and computers hacked as soon as he got to Sochi.
'It doesn't take long here for someone to try to tap into your laptop, cellphone or tablet,' Engel said.
Equipped with laptops that had phony identities and addresses, Engel worked with Kyle Wilhoit, a computer security expert, to test Russia's security issues. As a result, his computers, which were brand new, were immediately hacked after receiving a phony email.
'In a minute, hackers were snooping around,' Engel said. 'The same thing happened with my cellphone -- it was very fast and very professional.'
Engel warned others that not only reporters, but all visitors to Russia, are at risk of being hacked.
On NBC's Nightly News, Engel told reporter Brian Williams that visitors should not expect any form of Privacy in Russia.
However, hackers aren't the only problems journalists and reporters are faced with in Sochi. The Washington Post reports that the terrible living conditions are also a big problem. Dozens of reporters Tweeted about their poor hotel conditions.
This is the one hotel room @Sochi2014 have given us so far. Shambles. #cnnsochi
- Harry Reekie (@HarryCNN) February 4, 2014
Water main break means no water at our hotel in #Sochi. Could take awhile to fix. #CTVSochi
- Rosa Hwang (@RosaHwangCTV) February 3, 2014
People have asked me what surprised me the most here in Sochi. It's this. Without question ... it's ... THIS.
- Greg Wyshynski (@wyshynski) February 4, 2014
Water restored, sorta. On the bright side, I now know what very dangerous face water looks like. #Sochi #unfiltered
- Stacy St. Clair (@StacyStClair) February 4, 2014
Russian and Olympic officials have promised that Sochi is ready for the Olympics, however aside from these current issues, there are also threats of terrorism, human rights abuse, and unfinished construction that tell people otherwise.
The opening ceremony takes place Feb. 7.
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