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'The Lego Movie' snags $17 million at the Friday box office

Warner Bros. new movie The Lego Movie has opened strong at the box office, easily outpacing the other new films of the weekend.

Lego Movie started off decently with $400,000 in Thursday night receipts, but then blasted off on Friday with $17.14 million, reports Forbes. The kid-friendly film is expected to earn about $60 million for the weekend, which would give it the top spot at the box office easily.

The other two new movies opening this weekend are Monuments Men, which boasts a stellar cast but middling reviews, and the quiet and unavailable for early reviews Vampire Academy.

George Clooney's film managed about $7 million for Friday, and lowered estimates for the film place it at earning about $20 million for the weekend. Academy fared much worse, managing about $1.43 million and looking like it will be lucky to earn about $4 million for the weekend.

According to Deadline, the teen film was easily outpaced on Friday by several holdover films, including Ride Along, which snagged another $2.5 million and will likely top $100 million after the weekend.

That Awkward Moment managed to gross $1.7 million on Friday and could bring in $5 million for the weekend. Lone Survivor actually tied with Vampire Academy with $1.4 million, but will likely earn more during the weekend.

Disney's monster hit Frozen continues to hang around, pulling in another $1.38 million, which places it just below the new Weinstein Company flick. Estimates, however, have the animated adventure still grossing more for the weekend than Academy with $6 million.

image: Warner Bros.

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