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Covered California Numbers

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Sacramento, CA - More than 1.2 million Californians enrolled in private insurance plans by the March 31 deadline according to California's health exchange.

Those preliminary figures nearly met the Obama administration's original target of 1.3 million. Exchange officials had earlier disputed that projection for California's enrollment. Today, Covered California Executive Director Peter Lee said the state set the bar too low with its original projection of 830,000 enrollees by the deadline.

Tuolumne County Health Officer Dr. Todd Stolp only had preliminary numbers for those who signed up for Medi-CAL. 'The numbers on February 28 th for Tuolumne County were 1,560, so about 1,500 people had signed up for Medi-Cal in addition to those that were previously on Medi-Cal through the Covered California program,' said Dr. Stolp.

Covered California has extended the deadline for two weeks for applicants who attempted to start the process before midnight Monday but could not because of technical problems. Stolp hopes to have more of the county numbers after that deadline.

Written by Tracey Petersen

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