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Expert Says Facebook Move To Separate Messenger App Is Part Of Business ...

Melony Roy

Melony Roy is the Social Media editor for KYW Newsradio 1060,...

By Melony Roy

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Facebook's latest move to sever messaging features from its main app has upset some of its users, but is it actually a smart business move?

Facebook's decision to remove the messaging service from its mobile app means users will have to download a separate Messenger app. senior editor Bridget Carey says the move is a competitive one for the social network, 'Chat apps are one of Facebook's biggest challengers right now in how people are communicating through apps and online. They (Facebook) want to be part of the game.'

But is it the smartest move?

'I think it's a pretty bad move for Facebook. Here you are forcing upon your users to download something extra on your phone.'

It's not the first time Facebook has created a standalone app. There was Facebook 'Home' and 'Paper.'

'They want to be your portal for everything you do for mobile. So, whether that's calling, texting or telling the world what you're doing with a photo, they want to be in control of it'

Without being more specific, Facebook says the changes will be rolled out in the U.S. over time.

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