Here's why Apple thinks its disputed patents are worth $2.2B
Apple Inc. broke down on Tuesday the $2.2 billion damages figure it argues Samsung Electronics Co. should pay for allegedly infringing on five of its software patents.
Quantitative Economic Solutions President Chris Vellturo, who is serving as Apple's damages expert, based the figure on a series of studies that aimed to see how much users value smartphone features by creating hypothetical products offered at different prices that differed by only one feature, PCWorld reported.
Based on a study of 507 Samsung smartphone owners and a hypothetical $149 phone, he found the consumers would pay $102 more for automatic word correction and $69 more for contextual links. Another study of 459 Samsung users that own a hypothetical $299 tablet found they would dole out $32 more for the 'slide-to-lock' feature and $33 for universal search, according to the article.
Vellturo, who is being paid $700 per hour by the iPhone maker, argues the $2.2 billion damages claim is warranted due to the scope and timing of the alleged violations, when the smartphone market was in a state of change and many consumers were testing out new phones, according to The Wall Street Journal.
The five patents central to the case are: the slide-to-lock function; universal search; syncing data in the background; automatic word and spelling correction; and contextual links. Cupertino-based Apple is seeking damages for lost U.S. sales and royalties between 2011 and 2013 from Samsung's sale of more than 37 million smartphones and tablets, Vellturo said.
Samsung's lawyers have called Apple's request a 'gross, gross exaggeration.' The Korea-based company is seeking $7 million on claims that Apple violated two of its software patents.
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