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Lytro Illum camera for '3D photo

The above example focuses upon the flower foreground, while adjusting the point of focus to the rippled sand enables the viewer's point of vision to shift slightly.

The final adjustment focuses solely on the background of the image, blurring both foreground and mid-range focus.

Further examples of how the pictures can be manipulated can be viewed here.

The camera's inbuilt software enables users to view images in 3D, build custom animations, export images into common formats like JPEG and share to the Web or mobile devices. These are able to be edited by existing photo-editing suites including Photoshop, Aperture and Lightroom.

Light-field, or plenoptic, cameras capture more light than traditional models by using an array of micro lenses. They can therefore allow an image to be refocused after it has been taken, or to create 'living images' that can be refocused long after they were first captured.

Its predecessor the Lytro Camera launched in the UK last summer, and was praised for its innovation but was ultimately let down by its poor resolution, according to Matt Warman's review.

The Illum will cost $1,599 (£950) when it goes on sale in July.

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