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New feature will help Office 365 business users filter their inbox

We've all felt buried under the weight of our email inboxes at one time or another. Legitimate email messages get buried by spam, and sorting through it all can easily distract you from the work at hand. At the Microsoft Exchange Conference in Austin this morning, Microsoft revealed a new tool designed to filter out the noise and help you focus on the emails that matter.

The new feature is codenamed 'Clutter.' It analyzes your email behavior and 'learns' which emails are important to you.

I receive between 200 and 300 emails on an average day. Many of those are obvious spam and are filtered by the Outlook junkmail feature already. However, probably less than 20 percent of the legitimate messages that make it through to my Inbox are actually of any value or importance to me. I end up deleting 100 or more messages a day without even opening them, just based on the sender and subject line.

Clutter may save you from your inbox.

Microsoft's Clutter feature would help me work more efficiently by automating that process. Clutter will detect that emails from my editors are generally opened and that I often respond to those messages, so they apparently matter. It will also learn that the vast barrage of emails from the Democratic Party claiming that the world as we know it will surely end if we don't raise more money than the Republicans by midnight tonight are deleted without a second thought, which means they're 'clutter.'

Clutter doesn't delete the messages, though. It simply hides them from the default view so you can focus on the important messages. A link at the bottom of the Inbox pane will display a number letting you know how many messages are hidden and enable you to view them when you wish.

The Clutter view also expedites clean up with a Delete All button. You can skim the list of emails marked as Clutter, and if you don't care to read them you can get rid of them with a single click. As with the Junkmail filter, you can also right-click an email and mark it as 'Not Clutter' to help the system learn and provide more accurate, personalized results for you.

The Clutter feature will only be available to Office 365 business customers later this year, and it will be incorporated into the Office Web App. Steve Chew, a senior product marketing manager in Microsoft's Exchange Group, explains in an Office Blogs post that Clutter is still a work in progress.

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