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'Game of Thrones' Director: 'Everything Takes a Turn' in Sunday's Episode

[WARNING: Spoilers ahead for last Sunday's episode of Game of Thrones, 'The Lion and the Rose']

Where does go after last Sunday's shocker?

The series killed off Joffrey ( Jack Gleeson) and it appears Tyrion ( Peter Dinklage) will get the blame. We have a few theories of what comes next ( read them here), but why not go to the source?

PHOTOS: Joffrey's 10 Most Evil Moments

Director Alex Graves, who helmed both the Purple Wedding episode and the upcoming installment, says Sunday is the beginning of bigger things to come.

'Episode three is in part an aftermath episode, where you settle and everything takes a turn toward the second half of the season,' Graves tells The Hollywood Reporter.

There's not much else Graves could reveal, but he does tease the episode contains 'one of the best speeches in the series.' Last week, the director told THR Joffrey's death would reverberate throughout the rest of the season.

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'Joffrey's death is a beginning. Ned Stark's death was not an end -- it was a beginning. It's when the show began,' he said. 'All the deaths are like that, and Joffrey's is no different. Joffrey's death affects the show through to the climax.'

Check back to Sunday night for a spoiler-filled post-mortem in which Graves will dissect the episode's most explosive scenes. And read our full conversation with him from last week here.

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