Wealth inequality is quickly growing
A recent Slate article looked at wealth inequality and how fast it might actually be growing in the United States.
Rising wealth inequality isn't as slow as some might think. In fact, Slate recently reported the wealth inequality gap may be growing quicker than initially thought.
Those with more wealth are able to save their fortunes and earnings faster than rest of America, putting together a unique scenario in terms of wealth inequality, according to Slate. This was all based on information given by economic experts Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman, who published their findings about wealth inequality numbers. Those figures were later reported on by Slate.
'And so an exceptionally tiny circle of Americans is not only commanding a greater and greater share of pay, but - if Saez and Zucman are right - they are successfully consolidating their fortunes far faster than 99.9 percent of the country,' Slate reported. 'At the risk of sounding a little melodramatic, this is how an aristocracy gets built.'
Read the full article at slate.com.
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