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WWE Stars React to the End of the Undertaker's Streak

In the most shocking result since the Montreal Screwjob, the Undertaker's undefeated streak came to an end last night at Wrestlemania 30, when he was pinned by Brock Lesnar.

Some of the WWE's biggest names responded on Twitter.

Holy shit...Lesnar has ended the streak! Jesus Christ. 21-1. #neveragain #streakvsthebeast #WWE

- Steve Austin (@steveaustinBSR) April 7, 2014

I was there. The end of an era. #Wrestlemania30

- Mick Foley (@realmickfoley) April 7, 2014

Just heard that Lesnar broke Undertaker's streak tonight.. WOW! What a shocking deal!

- Matt Hardy (@MATTHARDYBRAND) April 7, 2014

My view while waiting to go ringside

- Bret Hart (@BretHart) April 7, 2014

75,000+ stunned...shocked...has the mat world imploded? The Streak dies....but the legend will live forever. #WrestleMania

- Jim Ross (@JRsBBQ) April 7, 2014

With all due respect, that should have been saved for a Roman Reigns or someone else to build towards the future.

- Sean Waltman (@TheRealXPac) April 7, 2014

I am speechless...The Deadman never dies but the streak does. @WWE

- The Miz (@mikethemiz) April 7, 2014

Since wrestling matches are scripted, fans generally have a good idea who will win beforehand, and Undertaker's winning streak was thought untouchable. In fact, the Las Vegas betting odds had Undertaker at a -3000 favorite to win.

Whatever marketing opportunity resulted from an undefeated record (think of the slogans on T-shirts) was surely worth more than the temporary boost another wrestler would receive with the win, right? So in an industry in which things are mostly predictable, the WWE truly shocked fans last night.

I mean, look at this dude.

Alas, the 49-year-old Undertaker, real name Mark Calaway, has likely wrestled his last match. In the end, he stuck to the old wrestling industry adage: 'always go out on your back'.

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