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Deborah Cox Set To Do Voice Work For Whitney Houston Biopic

So it turns out that the upcoming Whitney bio isn't without a few glitches along the way. Garnering the licensing of Houston's music may mean Yaya DaCosta and fans will have to endure the sounds of Deborah Cox's re-recordings of Houston's music.

Check out how TGJ reports the minor mishap:

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Lifetime's biopic on the late, great Whitney Houston hasn't even hit screens yet and is already causing quite the scene.

Indeed, debate has greeted almost every morsel of news revealed about the movie; from it being a cable production instead of a big screen offering, to its lead stars, public response has been potently polarized.

The latest facet of the Angela Bassett directed telepic to come into question is the licensing of Houston's music.

According to E!, with legalities surrounding the use of Whitney's iconic song catalogue still being hashed out, original versions of the tracks will not feature. Instead, Yaya DaCosta - who has been cast as Houston - will 'lip-synch' to re-recorded takes on the songs performed by none other than Deborah Cox.

Much like Bassett's turn as Tina Turner in the critically acclaimed 'What's Love Got To Do With It' biopic, DaCosta won't sing in the film herself. Rather, she will 'perform' specially provided 'vocal tracks' by Cox.

Tentatively titled 'Whitney', the movie - which focusses on the tumultuous relationship between the singer and ex-husband Bobby Brown - is set to debut in 2015. { Source I / Source II}

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