Mobile rumours: Nexus 6 by HTC, Galaxy Alpha release date, and the Tizen ...
The world of mobile news is scary and complicated, with rumours flying about all over the place about what the many different companies are planning on doing. If you don't know what you're looking for then chances are you won't get very far, so to ease your burden here are some of today's biggest mobile rumours.
1. HTC could be tasked with building Google's Nexus 6
Despite rumours that Motorola would be the company tasked with building the anticipated Nexus 6 phone for Google. rumours are circling that suggest HTC might be the company now in charge of the important task. Considering HTC is involved with creating Google new tablet, codenamed Volantis, that is rumoured to be the Nexus 8, it makes sense that they would also be in charge of creating the new handset as well. The only issue is that websites reporting on this story claim that it is because LG has backed away from the task, news which broke months ago, with no mention of Motorola.
Sources also claim that HTC's Nexus 6 will come with a curved 5.2in HD LCD display, 3GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor, 3GB RAM, and a 13MP. It doesn't say where this information is coming from, and considering we've heard next to nothing about the Nexus 6 this needs to be treated as merely speculative. [ International Business Times]
2. The Samsung Galaxy Alpha release date revealed?
We've heard a lot about the Galaxy Alpha is the past few weeks, with each new leak getting more and more disappointing. But if reports are true, we'll be seeing the official device very soon. Next week in fact.
That's right, the latest rumour has it that the Samsung Galaxy Alpha will be available to buy from 4th August, just over a month before the company is expected to released the highly anticipated Galaxy Note 4. That may seem a little strange, but considering the vast difference in each handest's rumoured hardware it's more than likely that they're going after different audience demographics. [ Ubergizmo]
It's been no secret that HTC is the company responsible for building the next tablet in the Google Nexus line, codenamed Volantis, but what we haven't known is when we'll see it. Well the Taiwanese company has scheduled a press event for August 19th, but has declined to say what it's for. Definitely sounds like some sort of announcement to me.
It makes sense for the Voltanis to arrive since it was expected, but never materialised, at Google I/O at the end of June. Then again, it could be HTC announcing it's own line of wearable gadgets. That's equally likely. Whatever it is, we don't exactly have long to wait. We'll tell you more when we hear about it. [ MobileBurn]
4. Samsung has apparently put the Tizen powered Galaxy Z on hold indefinitely
Sad news for those of you who looking forward to a phone running something other than Android, iOS, and Windows Phone, since Samsung has apparently put it's Tizen powered phone the Galaxy Z, on indefinite hold. Why is this? Well it turns out there just isn't enough support from third party apps developers, and without the apps a smartphone is worthless. A similar situation can be said for Windows Phone, with many prominent apps developers choosing to completely ignore the platform - leading to an over reliance on third party developers.
The Galaxy Z was originally supposed to be released this week in Russia but after no news, and a cancelled appearance and a Russian Tizen developer's conference, Samsung announced that the phone had been delayed. Now it appears that is only the half of it. Sorry folks, looks like the only OS that has a chance of competing with Android and iOS is Windows Phone. [ NetworkWorld]
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