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Joan Rivers Storms Off of CNN Interview (VIDEO)

Her face may be frozen but that doesn't mean she doesn't have feelings.

Comedian, best-selling author, and fashionista Joan Rivers appeared on a CNN interview with Fredricka Whitfield. The interview went south when Whitfield bashed Rivers' comedic styling by calling it 'mean.' Rivers went on the interview hoping to promote her book ' Diary of a Mad Diva' but was met with negative remarks about her career and comedic styling by Whitfield.

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'You've got best-selling books, you sell out uh on stage, even with your fashion critiquing -while it's very mean in some ways,' Whitfield began an introduction before the comedian corrected the reporter.

'It's not mean. I tell the truth. I'm sure I say the same things that all of your viewers say to their friends sitting next to them on the couch. You know we're one of the few shows that say, 'That's an ugly dress.'' Rivers pointed out that the starlets don't lose sleep over her comments. She continued, 'It's not about them. It's about clothing.'

Whitfield then began criticizing Rivers' books for not having boundaries. Rivers responded, 'Let me tell you. Life is very tough and if you can make a joke to make something easier and funny: Do it.'

To further defend herself, Rivers quoted Winston Churchill by saying, 'Winston Churchill said if you make someone laugh, you give them a little vacation and maybe you take the worst thing in the world and make it funny. It's a vacation for a minute from horror.'

Whitfield pointed out that Rivers posed on her book cover with fur and asked if animal rights activists had contacted her about her clothing choice. To which Rivers asked Whitfield, 'Are you wearing leather shoes? Shut up.'

With enough being enough, Rivers began her exit from the interview. She said, 'All you've done is negative. All you have done is negative... I've made people laugh for 50 years and I've been put on Earth to make people laugh, my book is funny, I wear fur that was killed 15 years ago, I work for animals' rights. Stop it with 'And you do this' and 'You're mean'... You are not the one to interview a person who does humor.'

Whitfield defended her behavior in the interview by saying she thought Rivers was joking and pulling a stunt.

Check out the video below:

Do you think the reporter went to far? Do you think Rivers can dish it but can't take it? Let us know in the comments below.

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