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Local gas prices unchanged at $3.67 a gallon, AAA Southern New England says

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The average price for gas in Massachusetts was $3.67 a gallon in the latest weekly AAA survey, the same as the previous week's average, AAA Southern New England said Monday.

Massachusetts prices are 3 cents higher than they were a month ago.

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The current Massachusetts price is 6 cents higher than the current national average of $3.61 a gallon, AAA Southern New England said.

A year ago at this time, the Massachusetts average was $3.62 a gallon, or 5 cents lower.

In the latest weekly Bay State survey, AAA found a price range of 34 cents, from a low of $3.55 to a high of $3.89.

AAA's weekly surveys focus on self-serve, regular unleaded gas.

Chris Reidy can be reached at

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