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New LinkedIn App Acts as a Digital Assistant

LinkedIn today repurposed its one-year-old Contacts mobile application, upgrading it from a simple communication service to the more flashy Connected app.

Connected informs users when people in their network change jobs, are mentioned in the news, and have work anniversaries or birthdays via a new card-based interface.

'We know you'd love to reach out and catch up with everyone in your network over coffee, but that isn't always possible,' LinkedIn product manager David Brubacher said in a blog post. 'Connected gives you relevant, and timely, reasons to reach out and keep in touch with the people in your network. This app helps you invest in your relationships today, so opportunities blossom for you tomorrow.'

LinkedIn last spring released Contacts—a Web and mobile application that organizes everyone in your work life to help you keep in touch with business partners and employees.

Acting as a virtual personal assistant, Contacts could gather address books, emails, and calendars in one location, then automatically cull details from past conversations and provide that information directly into a contact's profile.

But that wasn't enough for on-the-go professionals.

'You wanted a smarter, easier way to keep in touch with your connections and to strengthen your relationships and that's why our Contacts app has become our new Connected app,' Brubacher said.

The app is now available for free download in the iTunes App Store, and lets users sync contacts and calendars and opt into push notifications, so relevant and timely information is only a tap away.

In April, the professional social networking site announced a milestone 300 million members—one third of whom are located in the U.S. Two months later, the company introduced a new iPhone app billed as a 'one-stop shop for your job seeking needs.' The Search App lets users quickly find new job openings with location-based search.

For more, see PCMag's reviews of LinkedIn and LinkedIn Contacts for iPhone, as well as the slideshow above.

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