The 11 Grossest GIFS From 'The Strain' Will Make You Lose Your Lunch
Guillermo Del Toro's vampire horror series ' The Strain' finally premiered on July 13, and while we're definitely into it - and the next three episodes FX sent out - we're still not over how incredibly gross it is.
Effectively using body horror unlike anything we've ever seen on television, 'The Strain' focuses on a group of New Yorkers on various sides of a potentially apocalyptic vampire virus. Said virus enters the city via plane - or, more specifically via the ancient evil vampire called The Master that flew on said plane, killing all of its passengers minus four.
Well, they're kind of dead, anyway - and the four survivors are looking pretttttty rough. It's up to a CDC workaholic ('House of Cards' season one standout Corey Stoll) and a Holocaust survivor Van Helsing type (Red Wedding planner David Bradley) to save the day, though by the end of episode one, they certainly haven't gotten very far.
Anyway, 'The Strain' certainly made quite an impression, largely due to the effectively grotesque horror of Del Toro's various monsters, including those little parasite worms that eat blood and burrow themselves in eyeballs (click if you dare). We'll spare you the toss-your-cookies reaction from that particular image, but you're on your own when it comes to the 11 grossest moments from 'The Strain' premiere:
4. But after he was done eating, he was all, 'that meal totally sucked, I hate this guy.' Hey, at least random dead guy number one is in great company.
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