World Cup + A 'Doctor Who' Trailer = The Best Sunday, Ever
OK, we're going to try to not get all freakishly excited and overly hyperbolic about the new trailer ( A non-teaser at last!) for ' Doctor Who ' season eight but OH MY GOODNESS is that ever a tall order.
Because - Gah! Jeez! Holy Mother of Daleks! - any hypothetical worries one could have had about the BBC franchise after the loss of our beloved Eleven have been squashed with the quickness thanks to the trailer! It debuted on BBC One during Sunday's World Cup finals, because where else should the biggest show in the universe debut but during the biggest sporting event in this wee galaxy of ours, eh?
In 60 seconds, Peter Capaldi has managed to sell us on his iteration. And Clara Oswald's Doctor-saving self is securely in place at his side. There's even a wee cameo from The Paternoster Gang who will appear in the premiere episode, 'Deep Breath' (yay more Strax)! This is turning into a timey-wimey family affair, now, isn't it?
Obviously, August 23rd cannot come soon enough. And we've got heaps of questions in need of some answers. Anybody have an extra sonic screwdriver handy? River Song? You out there?
Alicia Lutes
Too much exuberance for one person. Follow her on Twitter @alicialutes.
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