PSA: Don't Enable iCloud Drive When You Upgrade to iOS 8 Yet
Apple's iOS 8 launch is finally upon us.
But before you make the leap, there's one feature you should opt out of for now: iCloud Drive.
iCloud Drive, which will launch with iOS 8 as part of Apple's new continuity features, is a cloud-based storage platform similar to Google Drive or Dropbox. It allows you to share files across apps on multiple iOS and OS X devices.
But there's a catch- iCloud Drive is only compatible with iOS devices running iOS 8 and Macs running OS X Yosemite, which is not yet available.
As, Nick Fletcher of Realmac Software- the company behind productivity app Clear- explained in a blog post, enabling iCloud Drive will prevent iOS apps from syncing with their Mac counterparts until Yosemite is released.
'As OS X Yosemite is still pre-release (and not yet available) upgrading to iCloud Drive will prevent you from syncing with Clear for Mac until both OS X Yosemite is released and you upgrade to OS X Yosemite,' he wrote. 'Developers cannot work around the choice made when upgrading to iOS 8, so please make sure you pay close attention to the iCloud Drive screen shown after you update to iOS 8.'
After updating to iOS 8, one of the steps in the setup process will ask whether you want to enable iCloud Drive, at which point you should select 'Not now.'
Later, once Yosemite is available you can enable iCloud Drive from the main settings menu in iOS by following these steps: Settings-> iCloud-> iCloud Drive. At this point, the actual syncing process may take some time, Fletcher said, as Apple will have to move your data to new servers.
'In our testing, the iCloud Drive migration has taken anything from a few seconds to up to an hour,' Fletcher wrote. 'This is something that Apple controls, and given the large number of users upgrading to iCloud Drive there may be a short delay while everything gets migrated on Apple's part. '
Though Apple hasn't revealed an exact date for Yosemite's launch, it's expected to roll out later this year.
In the meantime, if you're still not sure about whether to use iCloud Drive, the folks over at Bloom (makers of the Day One apps) created this handy flowchart.
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