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'Modern Family's' Ed O'Neill helping to fund doc about Ohio politician

Actor Ed O'Neill is supporting an effort to raise funds to complete a documentary about a colorful congressman in his native northeast Ohio.

Filmmaker Eric Murphy says he is has a crowd-funding campaign to raise $17,500 to finish production and add a new ending to 'Traficant: Congressman of Crimetown.' Former U.S. Rep. James A. Traficant Jr. died last month at age 73 following a tractor accident on his family's farm near Youngstown.

O'Neill was interviewed for the documentary and added a narrative voice. Backers who pledge at least $2,500 get lunch with O'Neill, the veteran actor who's in the TV comedy series 'Modern Family.' The Plain Dealer of Cleveland reports they also will get co-producer credit.

O'Neill has signed books, artwork and other items for $1,000 pledges.

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