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Ghostbusters 3 Confirmed! Director Says Movie ''Will Star Hilarious Women ...

Columbia Pictures

Could it be? Is it possibly, really, actually happening?!

Bridesmaids director Paul Feig took to Twitter today to confirm that a new Ghostbusters movie is underway!

He wrote, 'It's official. I'm making a new Ghostbusters & writing it with@katiedippold & yes, it will star hilarious women. That's who I'm gonna call.' Deep cleansing breaths.

The highly anticipated third installment in the franchise hasn't begun production quite yet, but Dippold-who wrote Feig's The Heat -is now the latest to be attached to the project.

The announcement comes just weeks after Bill Murray revealed who he would like to see star in the third flick to the Toronto Star.

VIDEO: Bill Murray crashes bachelor party

Columbia Pictures

' Melissa [ McCarthy] would be a spectacular Ghostbuster,' he gushed of his co-star in St. Vincent, which premiered at the Toronto Film Festival in September.

'And Kristen Wiig is so funny-God, she's funny! I like this girl Linda Cardellini a lot,' he continued. 'And is funny. There are some funny girls out there.'

Murray also joked that an all-female team of ghostbusters 'would probably have better outfits' than the original fit films.

During the same interview, McCarthy responded to Murray's high praise by saying, 'Oh my God, that's daunting. That's taking on a legend, a legendary movie. But I would do anything with those ladies, anything at all.'

Sounds like she's game, right?!

VIDEO: Bill Murray crashes bachelor party

E! News caught up with Feig at the opening of the Hollywood Costume Exhibit last week in Los Angeles where he told us, 'The fun thing about it is there are so many different directions it can go and honestly there are so many funny women in's very exciting to me.'

The original movies were directed by Ivan Reitman and written by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis.

Aykroyd and Ramis also starred in both, alongside Murray, as the unstoppable (and lovable) team of butt-kicking ghostbusters.

Reitman, according to The Hollywood Reporter, has been signed on to produce Ghostbusters 3.

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