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Jim Harbaugh, Bill Belchick, Peyton Manning shown most during games

The camera loves 49ers coach Jim Harbaugh. (USATSI)

As most of us are probably aware, watching football doesn't involve watching guys play much actual football. The NFL is the ultimate replay sport, and since the majority of a three-hour football game features very little actual tackling and throwing and running -- compare the actual game action to, say, tennis -- we get to watch directors cut often to the sidelines and the coaches who stand on them.

But have you ever wondered which coach is featured the most? Which coach is the least seen on the national broadcasts? Which quarterback gets most of the screen time?

Well, luckily for us, the Wall Street Journal speculated on that exact topic, and after watching all 32 teams play two full games each, the paper has put together this wonderful graphic to answer all of our questions (click to make it larger).

So, what can we assume from this list?

1) Networks love Jim Harbaugh, because he's apt to go ... absolutely ... bonkers during a game.

2) Networks love Bill Belichick, because who doesn't love the dour guy on the sidelines?

3) When you think of excitable football coaches, San Diego's Mike McCoy and Detroit's Jim Caldwell don't necessarily spring to mind. That could be why they're near the bottom.

4) It seems obvious why Peyton Manning and Tom Brady would be at the top of the quarterbacks list, but is it odd that for as many Eli faces as we see per game, Eli Manning is only ranked No. 10?

5) Here's the WSJ theory on why Jaguars coach Gus Bradley is No. 9. 'Nothing makes for good television like frustration and losing. That may explain why Gus Bradley, coach of 0-6 Jacksonville, cracked the top 10 despite not being a household name.'

As for what else is happening during the game when the football players aren't playing football, has created this handy little (and kind of hilarious) guide.

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