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Bryan Cranston Reads You Have to F


Move over, Samuel L. Jackson-there's a new badass children's book narrator in town.

And he just knocked.

Bryan Cranston was tapped to record the audio version of the follow-up to Adam Mansbach's famed Go the F--k to Sleep-and the Breaking Bad star reading You Have to F--king Eat is everything at the moment. It's also available to download free from now until Dec. 12!

So stop looking at Kim Kardashian's naked butt meme and check out this NSFW sneak peek right here! (This clip contains language that some may find offensive.)

PHOTOS: Celebs who've penned children's books

'The bunnies are munching on carrots,' the narration begins, Cranston's voice gentle and comforting. 'The lambs nibble grasses and bleat. I know you're too hungry to reason with, but you have to...'

You get the picture. And it only gets more dramatic from there.

Way to use that Tony-winning vocal projection, sir.

Jackson's reading of Go the F--k to Sleep was of course the obvious choice to kick off his brash yet probably pretty useful illustrated guide to getting your kids to do things, but it's nice to see the series branching out with other celebrity voices.

Can't wait for possible future titles, such as Morgan Freeman reading It F--king Doesn't Matter What Happens After You Flush and narrating Put Down Your F--king Phone for a Second. You know, for tweens.

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