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Prince William Teases Comic for 'Flirting' with Kate

Danny Martindale/WireImage


11/21/2014 AT 04:00 PM EST

Prince William teased a comedian for 'flirting with my missus' after he'd made a quip about her onstage at a London show attended by the royal couple.

Jack Whitehall, who went to the same private school as Princess Kate and admits he has a crush on her, joked at the Royal Variety Performance last week that she was the 'one that got away.'

And his remark did not go unnoticed by William, 32.

When they all met in the line-up after the show, 'William came over and he was very funny, he was very nice but very passive aggressive [and said] 'Oh, so you were flirting with my missus? Oh no that was very funny!' ' Whitehall said on the Jonathan Ross Show in the U.K. Saturday, joking that he was too young for the woman who was to marry the prince in 2011

'She was a lot older than me,' he said on the ITV talk show. 'She was in sixth form - it was never going to happen, I was in a head brace!'

Meanwhile, as excitement builds for William and Kate's visit to New York City on Dec. 7-9, Buckingham Palace issued a reminder to journalists to wear proper attire when covering the royal couple.

'Smart attire for men includes the wearing of a jacket and tie, and for women a trouser or skirt suit,' the guidelines, posted on the official web site of the British monarchy said. 'Those wearing jeans or trainers will not be admitted and casually dressed members of the media will be turned away.'

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