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Sunset Overdrive is free for all Xbox Live Gold members for the next 24 hours

In celebration of the one year anniversary of the Xbox One, Microsoft is trying something new. If you've got some time on your hands this Saturday and you've been looking for a new game to try out, Sunset Overdrive is being unlocked for all Xbox Live Gold members to try for free.

Demo launches as a teaser to get people to buy a game is nothing new. Much like the recent string of public beta launches that turn into something that anyone with access to a console can play, these tactics are great for getting you hooked on a new game. For Sunset Overdrive, Microsoft is trying something a little different. Instead of having access to a demo version, or only allowing you access to the online portions, Xbox Live Gold subscribers get total access to the entire game for 24 hours. This means you get the 23GB install file as though you had purchased it.

When the 24 hour window closes, the game locks and you are asked to shell out the $59.99. If you decide your 24 hour taste was enough to make you want the game, buying the title will restore access and all of your progress. Of course there's nothing stopping you from loading up on caffeine and crushing the Story Mode in a single day, the irony of which would be amazing once you see the actual plot to Sunset Overdrive, but for the rest of us it's a nice way to try out a new IP that you might have otherwise overlooked.

Sunset Overdrive unlocks at 12:01 Eastern on 11/22, so set an alarm and get ready to grind around and blow things up.

Now read: Destiny is now free to play in limited form

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