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Washington's health

A technical glitch forced Washington state health-insurance exchange staff to shut down the exchange's official website just a couple of hours after its launch on Saturday, November 15.

Washington Healthplanfinder's official website had been opened for business at 8 a. m. for the second open enrollment under the federal government's Affordable Care Act (ACA), which is also known as Obamacare.

But by 10 a. m., the exchange's staff shut down the website due to a glitch - the system was miscalculating tax credits for health plans being sold on the website.

The temporary shut down of the site put enrollments on hold, frustrating potential buyers of the health plans.

The tax-credit calculations, which the site was miscalculating, are critical to the system's utility. The credits, which are based on an applicant's income level, make premium payments more affordable for people who qualify.

The ongoing second open enrollment period will run through 15th of February next year.

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