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Developments At Apple And Samsung Promise New Brand Ethos For ...

iPhone Original/3G/4/5 (Photo credit: Yutaka Tsutano)

Two very different developments at Apple and Samsung point to possible changes in the design ethos of smartphones and changes in strategy up ahead.

As Clare O'Connor pointed out here on Forbes, Apple's hire of Burberry chief Angela Ahrendts signals a desire to evolve the way Apple products are sold. It will undoubtedly be on the back of a big store opening program because that's how Apple can best retain margin as competition intensifies in devices.

At Samsung, the Korean company has taken another step towards the flexible screen. Samsung has been touting flexible displays now for a couple of years. The problem lies in the longer life-cycle made possible by an unbreakable device. How do you design for, like, ever?

That's becoming a very relevant question. Smartphones have a serious negative environmental impact. According to Wikipedia:

'Cell phones can contain dangerous chemicals such as antimony, cadmium, copper, lead, arsenic, nickel and zinc.These chemicals have the potential to run off into surrounding water bodies or seep into soil causing harmful effects to wildlife and even the human population. Chemicals running off into surrounding water bodies could make their way into drinkable water systems and contaminate this supply.'

The other major problem with the smartphone though is its short life. According to the Environmental Literacy Council the average lifespan of a smartphone is about 18months. This year Samsung launched dozens of new phones, 4 in the S4 category alone.

Mark Ragoswsky offered the opinion a week or so back that the flexible screen is not yet a viable technology. I'm not so sure of that. I think it presents a non-viable business model. Flexible, unbreakable displays on phones present a serious design challenge to companies like Samsung simply because they will last.

In this sense it is possible to see Apple as a pioneer of longer life-cycle phones. Earlier this year critics of Apple complained that the iPhone had barely changed since its launch in 2007. That's not necessarily true but where it is true we need to start seeing it as a virtue.

GigaOm back in April quoted a CIRP study that showed consumers were tending to congregate around the iPhone 4 and 4S.

'The iPhone 4S sold 33% of all iPhones in the survey period (just prior to the 5S launch), while the iPhone 4 represented 14% of all iPhones. In contrast, in the similar period following the launch of the iPhone 4S, the lower-priced iPhone 4 represented 22% of sales, and the free iPhone 3GS represented 5% of sales.'

In other words, while people do upgrade to newer models, more people are buying into older models, and that will increase as Apple powers up its buyback program.

What that also means is that the iPhone has embedded itself as a classic design that does not need to change much. Of course buyback schemes take iPhone 4s out of lucrative markets where people have enough disposable income to buy an iPhone 5S. But that is not the only point.

Talking recently to Danish designer, and former World Economic Forum, Young Global Leader, Jens Martin Skibsted of Skibstead Ideation, Skibsted pointed out that the next frontier for designers is design for longevity.

The model of continuous obsolescence , Skibsted points out, typified by smartphones, and which Samsung is dependent on, is vulnerable now that more of the added value lies in the Cloud. Google too has become aware of this and is offering its tablets as basic access points. The problem is the design and price makes them too disposable.

Skibsted's latest projects are centered on durable fitness products and on his Biomega bike designs. The bikes are based on classic designs tied to new technology, and are about to incorporate electronics that mimic the connectivity of the car. They sell at over $3,000 each. They are, in sense anti-recycling as they emphasize very long design relevance, something that Apple has clearly hit upon with the iPhone.

That trend could explain why Ahrendts is so important to Apple (as she joins former Yves St Laurent CEO Paul Deneve). These are two heavyweights of high value but classic fashion retailing. The challenge they face is probably a curious one, but one that challenger Samsung will have to face if it dares to go with flexible and unbreakable displays. How to sell less Apple products while boosting profits by creating and maintain a combination of access and exclusivity.

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