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'Duck Dynasty' calls for iOS game

It's already cable's top-rated reality series, spawning products that are top sellers at Wal Mart. Now A&E's Duck Dynasty has spawned a Battle of the Beards, a new game out Wednesday (3 p.m. ET/noon PT) for iOS.

The game, available at Apple's App Store for iPhone (99 cents) and iPad ($1.99), promises to transform players from 'yuppies into rednecks' by mimicking the daily rituals of Louisiana's Robertson clan, proprietors of the Duck Commander business.

Players hunt squirrels and ducks, blow up beaver dams, toss doughnuts into Uncle Si's mouth and compete in other challenges. At each stage, they can progress from clean-shaven 'yuppie' avatars, complete with Bluetooth headsets, to long-bearded backwoods boys with bandannas and sunglasses.

The series, which premiered in March 2012, is A&E's biggest by far, and August's fourth-season premiere set cable records for unscripted series with 11.8 million viewers.

Gary Levin, USA TODAY

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