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Tim Cook Was On Stage for 23% of the Time During Apple Launches

If it seems like Apple CEO Tim Cook isn't as much of a presence on stage during Apple launch events as his predecessor Steve Jobs used to be, there's a reason for that: Cook is absent three quarters of the time.

According to a Mashable analysis of his six keynotes and launch events so far, Cook spends an average 23% of the duration of the event on stage. The rest of the time he cedes to other Apple executives, such as Phil Schiller and Craig Federighi, as well as app makers.

Jobs took the opposite approach. In his last keynote at WWDC 2011, dogged by ill-health, the Apple founder still spoke for 46 minutes - or 63% of the presentation. That was as little time as he ever spent on stage.

Cook, by contrast, has never occupied the stage for more than a total of 30 minutes; he set that record at this year's WWDC. But for his most recent event prior to Tuesday, the launch of the iPhone 5S in September, Cook spent just 16 minutes on the stage.

Just as important is the question of when and why Cook cedes the spotlight. He tends to take the stage for the introduction and conclusion, and sometimes for a short period of time in-between. All important product introductions - the iPhone 5 and 5S, the iPad Mini, iOS 7, Mac OS Mountain Lion and Mavericks - were left to the other execs.

What isn't quite clear, because Cook has never addressed it, is whether his lack of participation is intended to convey a more collaborative, democratic version of Apple - or whether he is simply more comfortable watching from the wings.

Here's the breakdown of Apple keynote and launch events since 2011:

WWDC 2011 keynote, Steve JobsTotal time: 1 hour 13 mins. Jobs on stage: 46 mins (63%)

iPhone 4S launch, Tim CookTotal time: 1 hour 36 mins. Cook on stage: 22 mins (23%) iPad 3 launch, Tim CookTotal time: 1 hour 24 mins. Cook on stage: 22 mins (26%) WWDC 2012 keynote, Tim CookTotal time: 1 hour 52 mins. Cook on stage: 18 mins (16%) iPhone 5 launch, Tim CookTotal time: 1 hour 56 mins. Cook on stage: 16 mins (13%) iPad mini launch, Tim CookTotal time: 1 hour 11 mins. Cook on stage: 26 mins (36%)WWDC 2013 keynote, Tim CookTotal time: 2 hours. Cook on stage: 30 mins (25%)iPhone 5S launch, Tim CookTotal time: 1 hour 8 mins. Cook on stage: 16 mins (23%)

Eva Recinos contributed to this report.Image: Justin Sullivan, Getty Images News

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