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Avago to Acquire LSI: Strong Synergies Plus Diversification

Networking semiconductor maker Avago and today announced plans to acquire storage and networking semiconductor maker LSI LSI for $6.6 billion in cash. The combined company is expected to generate about $5 billion in revenues, roughly half of which will come from networking and more than one third from storage, with the balance consisting of semiconductors for the industrial and embedded markets.

Financing for the acquisition consists of cash from the two companies ($1 billion), bank loans ($4.6 billion), and an investment by Silver Lake Partners who helped to orchestrate the deal ($1 billion). Today's low interest rates appear to have played a role in the timing of this acquisition.

Avago was previously privately owned by Silver Lake, and the relationship between the two still appears to be very strong.

The management of both companies see this as a very synergistic deal. Avago has strengths in wired and wireless networking, and LSI's key businesses involve storage and wired networking. The networking segments don't have significant overlap, since Avago's strength is in high-speed signalling and optics, while LSI focuses on networking ASICs and the support software that goes around them. This lack of overlap leads management to anticipate combined revenues after the merger to roughly match the combined revenues of the companies prior to the merger.

In the wired networking area both companies' products should fit together to provide a more complete solution to their customers, a package that Avago CEO Hock Tan said does not already exist in the industry.

Furthermore, Avago's wireless business, which accounted for 48% of the company's revenues over the last year, is poised to become increasingly volatile as a result of consolidation in the company's customer base. With this acquisition, wireless is expected to account for only 25% of combined revenues, lessening the impact of this volatility. The two companies' other business lines are less volatile.

This deal is a little unusual, since most takeovers involve a big fish swallowing a smaller fish. In this case the companies are about the same size: Avago had FY2012 revenues of $2.4 billion and LSI $2.5 billion. Avago plans to achieve about $200 million in cost savings by combining the companies, helping to guide LSI's higher gross profit margin to something more similar to Avago's higher operating profit margin.

This deal appears to be a very strong one. Avago management believes that the biggest hurdle in pulling the deal together will be regulatory processes in all of the countries that need to approve it, and this is the reason the companies have specified a very comfortable target date of the first half of 2014 to close.

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