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Flames fire GM Jay Feaster

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When Brian Burke was named to the new position of Calgary Flames president of hockey operations last summer, he said he was going to serve as a sounding board and that general manager Jay Feaster would make the decisions.

Thursday, Burke announced that Feaster was being fired. So is assistant John Weisbrod.

Burke will hold a news conference at 1 p.m. ET in Calgary to discuss the decision.

Feaster joined the Flames in July 2010 as assistant general manager. He was named acting general manager on Dec. 28, 2010, and got the full-time position on May 16, 2011.

More recently, he has overseen a rebuilding effort, trading Jarome Iginla and Jay Bouwmeester last season.

The Flames, who haven't made the playoffs since 2008-09, are 13th in the Western Conference.

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