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The retooled federal Obamacare marketplace enrolled nearly 30,000 people on Sunday and Monday, surpassing the total enrollments for the entire month of October via

A source familiar with enrollment numbers told CNBC, 'Data still being scrubbed, but looks like we will be 29,000 for enrollment in federal exchange for the first two days of site improved site.'

'These are people who have successfully selected a plan,' the source said. ' In [all of] October, this number was 26,000.'

( Read more: Oregon's awful, but's better)'s enrollment was dramatically lower than expectations in its first two months of operation, October and November, in large part due to technological problems that prevented people from navigating through the application and enrollment functions on the website. Over those two months, just about 127,000 people enrolled.

Obama's health care PR blitz

Since mid-October, has been the focus of an aggressive repair effort led by management guru Jeff Zients. On Sunday morning, Zients said those efforts by private contractors and government workers had dramatically improved the website well enough that as many as 800,000 visitors per day would be able to use it properly.

( Read more: Obama on Obamacare: 'We will make this work')

On Monday and Tuesday, handled more than 1.7 million visitors, and officials said the site was working well.

The federal site is selling Obamacare insurance to residents of the 36 states that did not set up their own health insurance exchanges. The remaining 14 states and the District of Columbia have enrolled more than 200,000 people in Obamacare insurance since their Oct. 1 launch.

- By CNBC's Dan Mangan. Follow him on Twitter @_DanMangan

The retooled federal Obamacare marketplace enrolled nearly 30,000 people on Sunday and Monday, surpassing the total for all of October, a source tells CNBC.

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