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The Walking Dead: Is The Governor Going to Die?

[Warning: This story contains major spoilers from Sunday's episode of The Walking Dead and the comics that the AMC series is based on. Read at your own risk.] The Walking Dead: Can The Governor be a good guy?

The Walking Dead may have already tipped its hand.

The return of The Governor ( David Morrissey) has brought the group full circle to the events of last season: Rick ( Andrew Lincoln) and his group are severely weakened and the dastardly former leader of Woodbury has come knocking at their door. But where The Governor's assault on the prison last season was subpar to the comics, this time around, the comics could actually be driving the storyline much closer than some eagle-eyed viewers may have realized.

Before the season debuted, showrunner Scott Gimple told that the new season would include scenes more closely tied to the comics. 'There's so many moments from the comic book this season that anybody that's read the comic will recognize and it will be in these different contexts,' he said. Co-star Lauren Cohan echoed that sentiment, revealing that some scenes were identical to comic book panels from Robert Kirkman's graphic novel.

So far, these moments have yet to be seen. So could Sunday's midseason finale (9/8c, AMC) actually be the assault on the prison that comic book fans have been waiting for? One of the most glaring clues is the tank sitting in The Governor's new community, which makes an appearance in the trailer for the midseason finale in a scene that appears to be pulled directly from a comic panel.

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If that part of our theory is true, it stands to reason that the other part will be also: The Governor is going to die in the midseason finale. In the comics, when The Governor attacks the prison, among his group is a woman named Lilly - the very same name of the woman (played by Audrey Marie Anderson) that the TV show's Governor has been courting in recent episodes. It's her presence that may hint at The Governor's ultimate fate.

Major comics spoiler alert: In the comics, Lilly shoots Lori ( Sarah Wayne Callies) and baby Judith before turning the gun on The Governor, killing him because she was distraught over what he made her do. It seems plausible that if placed in a similar position - minus murdering Lori since she already died last season - this Lilly would not be too happy when she learns the truth about what kind of man The Governor really is. Would she kill him to prevent more bloodshed?

Here's hoping, because Lori and baby Judith aren't the only causalities from The Governor's assault on the prison. However, we've shared enough comic book spoilers here already, so you'll have to dig those names up on your own!

Do you think The Governor is going to die? It would be a great way for the show to last season's somewhat lackluster attack on the prison. Let's just hope that old Guvna' at least gets to use his trademark line - 'Kill them all!' - before that happens.

The Walking Dead's midseason finale airs Sunday at 9/8c on AMC. Do you think The Governor will bite the dust?

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