Town in Washington to introduce "Nirvana Day" in 2014
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Band with roots in nearby Aberdeen to be honored on day of induction into Rock Hall of Fame
The city of Hoquiam, Wash., will introduce a new holiday next year celebrating a renowned band with roots nearby.
The first 'Nirvana Day' will take place on April 10, 2014, the same day that the beloved '90s band - featuring the late Cobain, Krist Novoselic and Dave Grohl - is inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Cobain was born in Aberdeen, four miles away from Hoquiam. Nirvana's frontman also lived for a while in the latter town, as its mayor, Jack Durney, noted to local radio station KXRO.
Durney said that Cobain 'and Krist Novoselic are part of our community, and I think it's good to honor our sons and their great accomplishments.'
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