Windows Phone strategically to surpass Apple iOS by 2016, says Forbes
A study from Forbes determines that Windows Phone will outpace Apple iOS worldwide in next 3 years.
Nicholas Fearn | On
Apple is currently America's most valuable technology company, making a profit of billions each year. However, one day, it's inevitable that they will no longer be on top, due to the constant shift in trends and the way that we humans use tech on a whole. But the question that industry experts keep on trying to answer is when. When will this happen? Does Apple have a good few years left? Or will they lose the top spot soon?
Various guesses have been made over the years, but the most recent comes from Forbes contributor Mark Fidelman, who has made a bold statement claiming, 'Microsoft will overtake Apple in the mobile market in three years' in an in-depth article for the publication.
It seems rather vague when reading at first, although he does elaborate on it, raising a number of points that seem somewhat questionable, yet right at the same time.
The first point he makes is about momentum, which is absolutely right because Windows Phone sales seem to be improving by the year, with 9.5 million shipped in the third quarter this year: 'If you look at the numbers, the Windows Phone is the fastest growing smartphone platform.'
Fieldman then goes on to bring up several other arguments in his column, commenting on the integration values with its mobile operating system, desktop operating system and the Xbox. He also talks about how it's now easier than ever for developers to create apps for the OS, which is great to see because the lack of choice in the Microsoft's app market has certainly been brought up by tech critics and tech-savvy consumers.
'As Microsoft rolls out its integration capabilities to business people across the enterprise through Office 365 and Windows 8.1, and to consumers through the Xbox, Microsoft will pick up a lot of new users that are looking for seamless app integration across their business and home lives,' Fidelman wrote. 'Most people will not want their information stuck in separate operating systems for much longer.'
To end the article, Fieldman praises Microsoft's 'One Microsoft' initiative, stating how it will help the growth of its mobile technology and products.
Their acquisition of Nokia will also 'help them regain a leadership position in the mobile market because a low cost, integrated smart phone will be too good an option to pass up for users in emerging countries. Moreover, home and business users will increasingly realize the benefits of a seamless user experience across screens and gravitate to a Windows platform that maintains their play and their work no matter where they are.'
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