Anyone Can Buy Google Glass For One Day Only
After a leak pointed to a Google plan to open its Glass Explorer program up to anyone in the U.S. willing to plunk down $1,500 for the privilege, Google went ahead and confirmed that it will allow any member of the public to purchase their own set of Glass and become an explorer on Tax Day, April 15.
Google first started allowing developers to purchase Glass over a year ago to join the Explorer program and to invite a limited number of friends to join as well. Throughout the past year, Google has begun to disseminate an increasing number of invites, but April 15 will mark the first time that anyone in the United States will be able to simply go online and order Glass without an invitation or code to get in the door.
Here's the details direct from Google: Tuesday, April 15th, we'll be trying our latest and biggest Explorer Program expansion experiment to date. We'll be allowing anyone in the US to become an Explorer by purchasing Glass at for $1500 + tax. Any Explorer signing up during that period will also get a choice of either their favorite frame or shade for no additional charge. The site will only be open for a limited time...
Over the past several months, I've received a few invitation codes to buy Glass, but so far I haven't pulled the trigger. The main reason, if I'm honest, is that I expected Glass to be pretty nearly ready for commercial production by now, and I expect the consumer version of the product to cost much less than $1,500. It's also tough to justify it as a business expense to write about it because it's been so widely covered already, and of late, lots of what's been written about this first stab by a Silicon Valley behemoth at an augmented reality wearable hasn't been too favorable.
In other words, I'm waiting for Google to show me something new and better in its next iteration of Glass. And if it's cheaper, that would certainly be helpful, too. Let me know in the comments below and on Twitter @ericcmack if you plan to grab Google Glass on Tax Day.
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