'Big Brother 16': Third Houseguest Evicted
[WARNING: Spoilers from Thursday's live eviction episode of Big Brother.]
The latest Big Brother houseguest has been eliminated.
Was it Caleb Reynolds, who volunteered to go on the block to save 'his girl' Amber Borzotra, or Devin Shepherd, who became enemy No. 1? By a unanimous 11-0 vote, Devin - the main target this week by Head of Household Derrick Levasseur - was the third houseguest to leave the game.
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Caleb's crush (sorry, obsession) with Amber gets turned up a notch when he starts to make his feelings known through odd actions like giving up his covers in the Have Not room so she can stay warm in bed - an act that makes Hayden go 'What??' Later, Cody and Donny have a chat about how Caleb's game is completely blurred by Amber.
Cody admits that he's seriously thinking about flipping the script to get Caleb evicted. After all, Cody gets death stares from Caleb every time he's even in the vicinity of Amber. Case in point: Caleb creeps by in the middle of the night while Cody and Amber are talking in bed. How dangerous is the love triangle? It could potentially damage Cody's game (as well as Zach's), especially if Caleb gets power. Meanwhile, Nicole and Hayden continue their fourth-grade courtship.
Devin's Last Hurrah and a Home Visit
Devin starts his campaigning by connecting with former Bomb Squad member, Cody, whom he says in the Diary Room he's always liked. Zach and Cody have a powwow about possibly targeting Caleb instead of Devin and they start to plant the seeds throughout the house that that may be the better option this week. Is Derrick going to run with the new idea?
PHOTOS 'Big Brother 16': First Look at the New House
CBS dedicates an entire segment to Jeff Schroeder's visit to Donny's hometown to meet his family and friends. To say his parents are a unique pair is an understatement. They admit that they're not Big Brother fans and viewers get a good glimpse into Donny's Southern upbringing.
The Vote Breakdown
A serious question: Why is Caleb's shirt unbuttoned?
Jocasta: Devin Donny: Devin Nicole: Devin Hayden: Devin Zach: Devin Cody: Devin Victoria: Devin Frankie: Devin Amber: Devin Christine: Devin Brittany: Devin
Devin admitted that he wasn't surprised that it was a unanimous vote and addressed why he blew up the eight-member Bomb Squad so quickly in his exit interview with Julie Chen. 'For me I saw a lot of moves being made in the house. Moves were made on the side ... and I thought the alliance was turning on me,' he admitted. So he felt it was only right to blow up everyone else's spots to put little targets on everybody else. That strategy didn't exactly pay off for Devin.
New HOHs
In the new competition to crown the week's two HOHs, the remaining houseguests team up in pairs: Victoria/Christine, Caleb/Nicole, Brittany/Jocasta, Amber/Zach, Donny/Hayden, Cody/Frankie. Called 'Deviled Eggs,' each team has to work together to get 12 of their eggs into their slot will be the winning HOHs.
Who comes out on top? Cody and Frankie.
Plus, Team America's next mission is to persuade the HOHs to put up someone who's a physical threat.
Who do you want Cody and Frankie to put up on the block?
Big Brother next airs 8 p.m. Sunday on CBS.
Email: Philiana.Ng@THR.com Twitter: @insidethetube
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