Chrissy Teigen Is 'Pretty Drunk' For Her Dodgers First Pitch: A Twitter Play
As reported in our morning ' Need to Know,' Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Chrissy Teigen (whom we've crowned one of the funniest people on Twitter) threw the ceremonial first pitch at last night's Dodgers game. And since she's a cast member on MTV's new series ' Snack-Off,' we're guessing she enjoyed some Cracker Jacks at the game - but she definitely enjoyed some tequila, which is also kind of a snack:
Crap I'm pretty drunk
- christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) August 5, 2014
See, it was her dad's birthday, and they'd been celebrating with margaritas beforehand. Here's 'Dad making birthday margaritas like only dad can!!'
And it wasn't just Chrissy and her pops celebrating:
My mom is bombed
- christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) August 5, 2014
They got to the stadium and practiced her technique:
Her jersey had the number 40 and the name 'Nugs':
And here's why:
Christine Teigen (@chrissyteigen) is here, wearing jersey 40 w/ the name 'Nugz' because '40 Nugz' is her favorite drunken food at McDonald's
- Michael Lananna (@mlananna) August 6, 2014
She might not have appeared to be in optimally focused sporting condition:
But she had nothing to worry about, because that 'pretty drunk' pitch was SOLID:
As Chrissy explained in an interview, she'd practiced hard, because 'I know a lot of people don't care, but I care!' And it showed, even through the boozy haze:
Here's a view from the stands:
Chrissy now joins luminaries in the First Pitch Hall of Fame such as Jeff Bridges and a 105-year-old woman, when her liquid dinner could've easily landed her in the Hall of Shame alongside Mariah Carey and, well, you know who. With sheer determination, you can accomplish anything! Except maybe for making that hangover go away...
Boots, bows, booze (?) and baseball. Make L.A. proud @chrissyteigen! #FirstPitch @Dodgers
- Denise Brown (@denisebrownLA) August 6, 2014
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