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Florida citrus attacked by insects

Florida is famous for the production of citrus. Even Florida and citrus are synonymous. Even University of Florida named its football stadium after an orange magnate. In Florida a county is also named Citrus But it may not the same case anymore.

The industry had very powerful days along the whole decade. It never faltered through winters and hurricanes. But it seems that the industry is facing a serious threat. Even the state's economy is at risk. And the destroyer is a brown insect that is little in size than a pencil eraser. That insect carries that deadly disease.

This type of bacteria is inherent in Asia. It is called psyllid and doesn't belong to Florida. The overall belief is that it had been carried by someone who not knowingly transported trees from Asia. No country has yet succeeded to get rid of it. People, who are into this business, are anxious to find ways to bar it.

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