Forget jinx, Taney's Mo'ne Davis makes Sports Illustrated cover
Posted: Wednesday, August 20, 2014, 3:01 AM
SOUTH WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. - Mo'ne Davis' star power increased even more Tuesday morning when Sports Illustrated announced that the Taney Little League pitcher will be on the cover of this week's magazine.
The 13-year-old from South Philadelphia is the first Little League player to appear on the magazine's national cover. She will look to follow up on Friday's shutout when she pitches Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. against Las Vegas at Lamade Stadium. The winner advances to Saturday's U.S. Championship game at the Little League World Series. The loser plays in an elimination game on Thursday.
'Last week, this week, maybe next week, she's owned the conversation,' Sports Illustrated manager editor Chris Stone said in a statement. 'How often do you get to say this about a 13-year-old girl? It's the easiest type of story to identify as a cover story.'
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