Highlights from Jackson Hole 2014
The Kansas City Fed's annual symposium held in Jackson Hole, Wyoming is arguably year's most anticipated event when it comes to global monetary policy. Jackson Hole rarely disappoints those interested in the economic policy views of the world's top central bankers including the Fed's Janet Yellen, the ECB's Mario Draghi, the Bank of Japan's Haruhiko Kuroda and several others. While many look to the conference for clues to future directions in monetary policy (with many anticipating that the Fed will begin to raise rates in 2015), it is easy to forget that the event itself is an economic research conference with many academics presenting new papers on groundbreaking economic research under this year's conference title 'Re-Evaluating Labor Market Dynamics'. Being presented and debated with central bankers is new research on both how much slack there is presently in the labor market and innovative ways to measure it, which are crucial issues for central bankers when thinking about how much longer to keep monetary policy accommodative.
In Janet Yellen's Friday morning remarks characterizing the state of the labor market, she noted two academic papers written by economists at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
One paper highlights the role of nominal wage rigidity in the context of the recent recession. Despite the fact that wage cuts very rarely happen during a recession, since the end of the Great Recession, wage growth has stagnated. Yellen cited that 'Over the past several years, wage inflation, as measured by several different indexes, has averaged about 2 percent, and there has been little evidence of any broad-based acceleration in either wages or compensation' and noting that 'the recent behavior of both nominal and real wages point to weaker labor market conditions than would be indicated by the current unemployment rate'.
The other paper, co-authored by San Francisco Fed President John Williams, examines monetary policy in the context of significant long-term unemployment, arguing that an optimal policy should trade off a transitory period of inflation in order to bring the broader measure of underemployment to normal levels more quickly, consistent with achieving the Fed's dual mandate of full employment and price stability. Citing the paper, Yellen argues that 'tightening monetary policy as soon as inflation moves back toward 2 percent might, in this case, prevent labor markets from recovering fully and so would not be consistent with the dual mandate'.
Without setting an exact timeline for raising interest rates, she noted that 'if progress in the labor market continues to be more rapid than anticipated by the Committee or if inflation moves up more rapidly than anticipated... then increases in the federal funds rate target could come sooner' and that 'if economic performance turns out to be disappointing...then the future path of interest rates likely would be more accommodative than we currently anticipate'.
Yellen Cites A New 19-Measure Labor Market Index
Janet Yellen summed up perfectly that the state of the U.S. labor market, 'Five years after the end of the recession, the labor market has yet to fully recover'. From a quantifiable standpoint, she cited the tepid improvement in the Labor Market Conditions Index (LMCI), an index recently developed by four Fed Board economists which is made up of 19 labor market indicators including the unemployment rate, the labor force participation rate, vacancies, hiring and quit rates (from the Labor Department's JOLTS data), the length of the workweek, and private sector consumer/business surveys. The Fed has scored a 290-point increase in the LMCI since the start of the expansion in July 2009, which still has ways to go to recover the lost ground of 370 points during the 18-month long Great Recession. Making its debut in the Fed's 2014 Monetary Policy Report, the LMCI represents new thinking beyond using just the traditional unemployment rate which neglects the number of people leaving the work force altogether.
Average Monthly Change in the Fed's Labor Market Conditions Index (LMCI) since 2007
Mario Draghi, delivered remarks on Eurozone unemployment, calling for both improved pro-growth fiscal policies from Eurozone member economies and more monetary stimulus going forward, cautioning that 'the risks of 'doing too little' - i.e. that cyclical unemployment becomes structural - outweigh those of 'doing too much' - that is, excessive upward wage and price pressures'.
European Central Bank President Mario Draghi (Photo Credit: Daniel Roland/AFP/Getty Images)
While Europe and the US shared in soaring unemployment during the Great Recession, the euro area began a second rise in unemployment that peaked in April 2013 reflecting a six quarter recession emanating from the sovereign debt crisis. Unlike the Great Recession which affected all euro area economies, virtually all of the job losses observed in the second recession were concentrated in countries that were adversely affected by government bond market tensions. For Draghi, the weak labor market following this second European recessionary period merit further commitment to accommodative policy, including cutting interest rates to record lows in June and launching a program of quantitative easing to inject monetary stimulus into the sluggish eurozone economy.
U.S. and Euro Area Change in the unemployment rate since 2008
Also worried about the potential for deflation as inflation has been below 1% for 10 months, Draghi is 'confident that the package of measures announced in June will indeed provide the intended boost to demand'. Part of this policy plan includes expected support for the Eurozone economy through a weaker Euro as the currency hit its weakest level against the dollar since September 2013 as of Friday, the same day as Draghi's remarks.
Nonetheless, Draghi made clear in his remarks that 'No amount of fiscal or monetary accommodation, however, can compensate for the necessary structural reforms in the euro area', calling for permanent pro-growth fiscal reforms among Eurozone member countries.
Other Key Jackson Hole Labor Market Research Papers
Following Janet Yellen's Thursday speech in the Jackson Hole lineup, University of Chicago economist Steve Davis and University of Maryland economist John Haltiwanger presented a paper demonstrating how reduced U.S. labor market fluidity has become in the past twenty-five years, pointing to reduced job reallocation rates in the most recent recessions, particularly in the Great Recession. EDHEC economist Giuseppe Bertola also presented a paper aimed at identifying reasons behind why labor markets across OECD countries react sluggishly to macroeconomic downturns.
In a Friday session moderated by Christina Romer (a former Obama Council of Economic Advisers Chair), UCLA economist Till Marco von Wachter presented a paper that refutes the idea that the Great Recession generated a persistent decline in the employment rate compared to past recessions by using measures of long-term nonemployment rather than measures of long-term unemployment.
MIT's David Autor presented a paper on labor market polarization between high-education/high-wage jobs and low-education/low-wage jobs as well as the machine displacement of human labor, arguing that commentators often overstate the extent of machine substitution for human labor, ignoring strong complementarity between technology and human labor).
A panel made up of Stanford's Karen Eggleston, University of Michigan's David Lam, and Berkeley's Ronald Lee addressed how population demographics underlie many of the changes in the macroeconomy such as the recent fall in the labor force participation rate driven in large part by baby-boomer retirement.
While last year's Jackson Hole was centered around the timing of winding down the Fed's Quantitative Easing (QE) program, this year's Jackson Hole symposium gave much more detail on how central bankers and macroeconomists think about the persistent effects of the Great Recession in the labor market that justify continued zero interest rate policies that have lasted nearly six years and possibly may finally come to an end next year.
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