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'Dating Naked' cast member sues after VH1 showed her naked

A woman who went on Dating Naked has filed a $10 million lawsuit after VH1 showed apparently her too naked.

New York model Jessie Nizewitz, 28, says the headline-making freshman reality series flashed her crotch during one segment where she playfully wrestles with a date on the beach. Viewers noticed the reveal despite it being a very brief shot, and Nizewitz says she endured jokes on social media at her expense. Producers had allegedly assured Nizewitz that her genitals would be fully blurred during the episode. ( Dating Naked typically shows bare buttocks, but cast breasts and genitals are heavily blurred.)

'Plantiff... was shocked, horrified and outraged to observe this intrusion into her privacy for all to see,' reads the suit filed by attorney Matthew J. Blit in New York on Wednesday. 'Immediately Plaintiff became subject to ridicule by those watching ... Plaintiff has suffered and continues to suffer extreme emotional distress, mental anguish, humiliation and embarrassment...'

Nizewitz also noted in a New York Post interview that a man she was dating never called her again after the show aired.

Nizewitz is suing VH1 operator Viacom and two production companies, none of which had comment. 'Defendants knew or reasonably should have known that broadcasting an individual's vagina and anus on national cable television would cause substantial and severe emotional distress,' the suit notes.

Dating Naked is part of the a current wave of nude reality shows led by Discovery's Naked and Afraid. The show has generated plenty of buzz since it premiered last month, yet viewership remains modest-averaging about 800,000 viewers per first-run episode.

Ariana Bacle contributed to this report.

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