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The PC As Game Console

The user interface for the Alienware Alpha is clean and highly navigable.

It's probably time to forget about Steam Machines. When Dell and Alienware debuted their Alpha PC console at E3 earlier this year, I confidently predicted it would be the ideal gateway to teleport Xbox and PlayStation diehards into a frustration-free PC gaming experience. I recently took a deeper dive into the Alienware Alpha user interface , and my confidence has only been elevated.

For those unfamiliar with the Alpha, it's a sleek, diminutive box which Alienware describes quite purposefully as a 'PC console.' And its purpose exactly? To offer graphical performance on par with a system like the Xbox One or PlayStation 4, but do so without the usual hurdles and hassles typically associated with PC gaming. Stuff like Windows and Driver updates, network and display configurations - hell, even the desktop itself (or lack thereof).

This is accomplished via an exclusive controller-driven user interface developed from the ground up by Alienware, designed to suppress and effectively mask the Windows desktop environment to create a very console-like experience. Alienware bills it as 'The ease of a console, the freedom of a PC.' I endorsed that sentiment after my first impression with the system, but the much touted user interface hadn't been on full display until recently.

During a private demo, I got to see a user's first blush with the Alpha - installation and configuration. The interface is clean and minimalistic, focused on the '10 foot living room experience' with a stylized and easy to read font. One of the first steps is getting online, after which the console updates automatically in the background. Users can also customize the color of the UI's background, set boot time options, name their controllers (it supports 4 at once), and setup Bluetooth devices.

What's important to know is that every menu looks streamlined, blocking out the noise and the distractions.

Understandably, Alienware still wants to embrace the openness of the PC platform. So there are two modes of operation: Console and Desktop. By default, the Alpha will operate under controller-driven Console Mode with the custom UI, but a user can easily switch to the traditional Windows desktop.

What's particularly useful about having these separate environments is that in Console Mode, the Alpha will automatically deactivate Windows services that aren't necessary for gaming, freeing up extra CPU cycles and system memory. It's this kind of attention to detail which makes the Alpha so appealing to me. Alienware could have just tacked on a custom user interface, but they took the extra steps to ensure it not just looks like a console, but acts like one.

Thus far, there's a lot to be optimistic about. It's priced aggressively and fairly at $549 (which includes an HDMI cable and Xbox 360 controller, and 2 free games), and it can run demanding games like Metro: Last Light at 1080p with at least medium quality settings enabled (we still don't know specifics surrounding Nvidia's custom Maxwell GPU, but it's powerful and I'll benchmark it extensively as we get closer to launch).

It genuinely makes me forget I'm using a PC, and that's precisely what PC gaming needs.

The Alienware Alpha PC console is available for pre-order today at, and will be shipping November of this year in the US with global pre-order availability beginning this holiday season.

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