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US regulator says big banks still threaten

World business Banking and Finance

Not 'too big to fail': US regulator said 11 banking titans, including Barclays, have unrealistic contingency plans in the event of bankruptcy. Photo: Reuters

US regulators have warned that 11 giant banks have unrealistic contingency plans in the event of bankruptcy and warn that if they fail, they could plunge the world into a new financial crisis.

The Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) said the 11 titans, popularly known as 'too big to fail', must make better plans to restructure if they get into trouble.

FDIC vice-chairman Thomas Hoenig said they had not shown 'how, in failure, any one of these firms could overcome obstacles to entering bankruptcy without precipitating a financial crisis'.

The group comprises JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Bank of America, Bank of New York Mellon, Barclays, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley, State Street and UBS.

Wayne Abernathy, executive vice-president at the American Bankers Association, said the banks would now be able to rework their plans based on the FDIC's criticism.

Until now, the industry had not known what regulators wanted, he said, rejecting the calls from some expert critics and US lawmakers for large banks to be broken up.

'This isn't a question of whether a bank is too big,' Abernathy said. 'This is a question of a tool that needs to be refined.'

Under the Dodd-Frank Act enacted in response to the 2008 financial crisis, the banks must demonstrate a strategy 'for rapid and orderly resolution' in the event of bankruptcy or major financial distress.

But the submissions by the financial giants failed to adequately prepare a so-called 'living will' that could avert disaster, FDIC said.

Tuesday's announcement marks a second rejection of the banks' planning by regulators. US financial agencies found fault with the original bank submissions in April 2013.

Regulators have noted 'some improvements' since the first round, but point to huge flaws.

The banks have until July 2015 to make 'significant progress' to address the shortcomings identified.

Hoenig warned that banks today were 'generally larger, more complicated and more interconnected' than they were before 2008, and also generally 'excessively leveraged' compared with the banking industry as a whole.

Abernathy said the suggested measures were possible, but warned against indiscriminate moves to break up the financial behemoths.

Replacing the 11 banks with 40 smaller banks would 'reduce diversification' and the banks' 'ability to handle the transactions their customers need', he said. 'I think that's economic chaos.'


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