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New Chrome extension makes Google Drive one click away

Google Drive is incredibly convenient. You can share, edit and collaborate on documents in real-time. But there isn't a cloud-based application for everything.

Say you need to amp up your editing on some photos, and the Google editor just isn't cutting it. A new Chrome extension for both Macs and PCs has made it easier to switch between your browser and desktop applications, such as Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Office, by allowing you to directly open Drive files in applications installed on your computer.

It works like this:

All you have to do is right-click on the file, then click the 'Open With' tab to decide on an application. What makes this even more convenient is that when you edit a PDF in Adobe Reader, for example, you can also save your changes on Google Drive.

'It's another way we're trying to help people work anywhere, anytime on any device,' a Google spokesperson told Mashable in an email.

To use the extension, make sure you have the newest version of Google Drive. It's another incentive to store and manage your files on Drive without having to rely on the tools available in your browser.

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