This Drone Launches From a Wristband, Flies Back Like a Boomerang
Combine equal parts quadcopter, wristband, camera, and boomerang, and guess what? Somehow you've mangled together a half-million dollar idea.
The Nixie wearable camera drone, described above, has just taken the $500,000 dollar pot in Intel's Make it Wearable competition.
The Nixie, created by a team of engineers led by Christoph Kohstall, a quantum electron microscope developer at Stanford University, is an innovative derivative of the quadcopter drone. Super-lightweight, the Nixie can be folded around your wrist and flung into the air on command—at which point the Nixie will hover, snap a few photos, and then fly back home. So far, the drone's creators are angling their invention towards mountain climbers, who could benefit from the Nixie's portability and use it to take photos where they might not be able to reach.
We're imagining a different use, however—as a replacement for that most cringe-worthy of inventions: the telescoping Selfie Pole. Save us Nixie, you're our only hope.
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