Organic Reach Is Far More Important than Zuckerberg's Gray T
Late last week, Facebook organised the first-ever public Q&A with Mark Zuckerberg. We all heard that these events are common within the company, but we never got a chance to ask questions ourselves.
A dedicated Facebook Page, Q&A with Mark, was made public on October 30th and people got the opportunity to pose questions. The most popular ones, out of more than ten thousand, were answered by Zuckerberg in one hour session.
Putting aside the movie The Social Network and his collection of gray shirts, a question concerning Facebook's Organic Reach captured our attention.
In the last year, we have all experienced serious shifts in the Organic Reach of our Facebook Page posts. There was a time where we had enormous ups and downs in Reach and Page Likes, so we focused on understanding Facebook's algorithm, which is of course impossible. Than, the unexpected news struck us: Organic Reach will go down to 6%, and eventually, it won't exist anymore.
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So, everyone jumped to the same conclusion: You paid to get your fans in the first place and now you have to pay in order to reach them.
According to Zuckerberg's answer, that seems to be far away from the truth - or so it appears at first glance.
After pointing out that Facebook cares deeply about startups and entrepreneurs, Mark claimed that at this very moment a satisfactory Organic Reach exists, which can be tweaked with quality content.
In explaining what led to a decrease in Organic Reach, Mark didn't provide an impressive answer, but rather a simple and generic one. This was his claim: Every day there are more people joining Facebook and more people sharing content, so there is more competition.
Facebook had to lower Organic Reach because of rising competition? Something doesn't add up here.
People at Facebook are focusing on providing the best experience for the community.
They want to create a 'perfect personalised newspaper for every person in the world.' If you, as a Facebook user, follow a Page, then you want to receive news about that Page in your News Feed, but what happens if you like 200 Pages? Plus, you also have more than 500 friends.
Facebook doesn't want you to make choices regarding which Pages you want to follow, but rather do that for you, by crafting a personalised News Feed based on your interests. Utopia versus advanced technology algorithms? What a battle!
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Mark puts users at the centre of his attention. In comparison with businesses, users that form the Facebook Community are much more important and they are a key factor in Facebook's guiding principle. Giving businesses the opportunity to reach more people seems to claim second on Mark's list.
Businesses must focus on the content.
We heard that story before... The more relevant and engaging your content is, the more likely it is that the community will love and adopt it. So, in Mark's perspective, businesses have a choice: Invest money in creative people who will craft great posts or invest money in Facebook Ads in order to reach more fans.
Back to were it all started: We got a free Facebook Pageat the very beginning. Did we just end up having high expectations?
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