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Beginning to look a lot like Christmas, especially on the road

The cold spell that recently visited Florida and the rest of the country likely won't keep families from traveling home for the holidays.

AAA projects 94.5 million Americans will journey 50 miles or more from home during the year-end holiday season - an increase of 0.6 percent from the 94 million people who traveled last year - marking it the fifth consecutive increase and the highest travel volume recorded for the season.

For Florida, 4.8 million are projected to travel.

The year-end holiday period runs from Dec. 21 to New Year's day. Oddly enough, it was reported earlier around Thanksgiving that for the first time in five years, travel during Thanksgiving decreased 1.5 percent from last year.

Furthermore, more travelers prefer to go by road than by air. Data collected by AAA shows 91 percent of travelers - or 85.8 million of them - will travel by automobile than by other forms of transportation, a 0.9 increase. Holiday air travel is expected to decline to 5.5 million compared to 5.6 million last year.

For Florida, 4.4 million prefer driving, while 265,332 catch a plane. Those numbers could reflect Orlando International Airport being labeled as a prime candidate for crazy holiday traffic - something most travelers try to avoid.

Richardson is a general assignment reporter for online and print.

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