Protesters demand end to killer
Karen Pallone from Tampa gather with potesters near the entrance to SeaWorld on Sunday, December 22, 2013. About 80 protesters from PETA and The Animal Rights Foundation of Florida (ARFF) gathered near the theme park to demonstrate against SeaWorld. (Jacob Langston, Orlando Sentinel)
Several dozen animal-rights activists gathered outside the gates of SeaWorld on Sunday to demand that the theme park put an end to its trademark killer-whale shows.
Waving signs such as 'Life in a concrete box is no life' and 'Free Tilly,' the protesters tried to dissuade a steady stream of cars from entering the park.
'Tilly' is a reference to Tilikum, a SeaWorld whale that in 2010 killed trainer Dawn Brancheau. The protest came after the documentary 'Blackfish' cast a harsh light on the practice of capturing and training killer whales to entertain humans.
The fallout from the film has led eight of 10 music acts to cancel planned appearances at the park at its annual Bands, Brew & BBQ concert series early next year. SeaWorld last week took out full-page ads in newspapers,including the Orlando Sentinel, to spotlight its work with animal rehabilitation and to take issue with claims made in the film.
Bryan Wilson, coordinator for the Animal Rights Federation of Florida, on Sunday dismissed SeaWorld's efforts at damage control.
'I would expect nothing less from them as more acts abandon their premier event and as public opinion continues to be opposed to keeping these animals in captivity,' Wilson said.
SeaWorld spokesman Nick Gollattscheck on Sunday called the protesters' claims 'without merit.'
'There is no organization more passionately committed to the physical, mental and social care and well-being of animals than SeaWorld,' Gollattscheck said. 'The real advocates for animals are the trainers, aviculturists, animal-care staff and veterinarians at SeaWorld, and the millions of fans and guests who learn about marine life through our parks.'
Activists from throughout Florida - and one couple vacationing from Thailand - gathered for the protest, which also included an orange Ferrari emblazoned with 'Release Tilikum' and a pickup with video screens on the back showing 'Blackfish' circling the area.
'These animals evolved to range over thousands of miles over their lifetime,and they keep them in a large swimming pool,' said PETA member J.D. Applen of Melbourne.
'We think the practice of having whales and dolphins do these shows is barbaric, it's cruel and it's unnecessary,' added Peri Sedigh, president of the Animal Legal Defense Fund at Barry University School of Law. 'It's a form of slavery.'
Wilson said the protests will continue 'until the animals are free.' or 407-420-5189
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