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Skin, skivvies: Miley's 'Adore You' video leaks early

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Music's reigning bad girl upholds her racy image.

We know Miley Cyrus adores you, subject of brooding ballad. But clearly, as per the song's leaked and now just released video, she adores herself.

For most of the 4 ½-minute clip, a soft-lit Miley is gyrating under a white sheet. Cue earnest closeups, lots of licking and rubbing and one night-vision video camera.

And remember her flesh-colored underwear from the VMAs? It's back - but sheer.

Adore You was supposed to be released this morning but made its way online yesterday, which led Cyrus to tweet the following:

'We all know Smilers would break another record if it wasn't for the (expletive) face who leaked my video. Alllllll good! Keep smiling :)'

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