Allow This Infographic To Explain The History Of 'Ghostbusters'
Perhaps lost in yesterday's Pulitzer-frontrunner about the ghosts that scared me in Ghostbusters was the link to a story in Vanity Fair that explained the crazy and seemingly beyond-hectic process of bringing the iconic comedy to the big screen. The article had everything you could want from a story about a movie that so many people cherish being made, from only one man having the balls to greenlight the $25 million budget to rival studios actually working together to see a new special effects studio launched to make it possible. And in between all of that, there was Bill Murray being Bill Murray in a time that he was even more of a loose cannon than he is now.
Fortunately, if you're the kind of person who doesn't have the time to read a lot of words and appreciate the fond memories of the people who made Ghostbusters a reality, designer Mike Seiders of SDRS Creative has put together this wonderful infographic that covers an array of other fun facts, including the actors that were originally considered for the roles, and who turned down those roles, allowing them to be filled by the perfect people. (Still, read that Vanity Fair piece, if only for Rick Moranis describing how happy he was that John Candy turned down the role of Louis Tully. But then read the whole thing because it's awesome.)
Additionally, in case you don't want to settle for being able to watch Ghostbusters on Netflix whenever you want, Sony Pictures is re-releasing the classic in theaters on August 29.
(H/T to the HuffPo)
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